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As per Indian Evidence Act, 1872 S.119. Dumb witnesses A witness who is unable to speak may give his evidence in any other manner in which he can make it intelligible, as by writing or by signs; but such writing must be written and the signs made in open Court. Evidence so given shall be deemed to be oral evidence.
For fiber purpose jute crop should be harvested at which of the following stage?
Design suitable for one of the factor need larger plot and another smaller plot is
Which of the following statements are correct about “Jhum cultivation”
The feed conversion ratio (FCR) is the amount of feed ingested by an animal which can be converted into one kilo of live weight. Feed conversion rati...
Which certification is required for the export of organic products?
Which method of training system is commonly used in Aonla?
Which of the following crop is highly tolerant to alkalinity?
The disease is most severe during cool weather when heavy dews are present. The infection of virus due to which plant leaves converted to pale yellow. N...
Digging method of weed control is suitable for
What is the standard weight of one bale of cotton?