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In the recent case of Girish Vs. Subba Raju 2022 the Supreme Court has delivered a judgment expounding the doctrine of "lis pendens”. The bench of Justice KM Joseph and PS Narasimha stated that the transfer of the property during pendency of the suit is not void or invalid. However, such transfer will be subject to the final outcome of the suit. Moreover, The Court also held that neither the seller can set up plea of final disposition of the property nor the purchaser can take a defence of being a bona fide purchaser/lack of notice against the doctrine of lis pendens.
रमा नहीं खाएगी।' वाक्य का भाववाच्य में रूपांतरण होगा-
नैसर्गिक का विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
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गंगा छवि वर्णन (कविता)
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