
    As per SEBI (Prohibition  of  Insider  Trading)

    Regulations, 2015, How does the definition of an insider treat a connected person?
    A A connected person is always considered an insider. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B A connected person is only considered an insider if they have access to price-sensitive information. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A connected person is never considered an insider. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A connected person is considered an insider only if they engage in insider trading. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E A connected person is at times an insider also Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    As per Reg 2- "insider" means any person who is: i) a connected person;or ii) in possession of having access to unpublished price sensitive information; NOTE:Since “generally available information” is defined, it is intended that anyone in possession of or having access to unpublished price sensitive information should be considered an “insider” regardless of how one came in possession of or had access to such information. Various circumstances are provided for such a person to demonstrate that he has not indulged in insider trading. Therefore, this definition is intended to bring within its reach any person who is in receipt of or has access to unpublished price sensitive information. Theonus of showing that a certain person was in possession of or had access to unpublished price sensitive information at the time of trading would, therefore, be on the person leveling the charge after which the person who has traded when in possession of or having access to unpublished price sensitive information may demonstrate that he was not in such possession or that he has not traded or or he could not access or that his trading when in possession of such information was squarely covered by the exonerating circumstances.

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