
    When should the concerned person report transactions in the units of its own mutual fund schemes to the Compliance Officer,  as per Reg 5 of SEBI (Prohibition  of  Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015?

    A Within one business day from the date of transaction Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Within two business days from the date of transaction Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Within three business days from the date of transaction Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Within four business days from the date of transaction Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Within five business days from the date of transaction Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    As per Reg 5E- Details of all the transactions in the units of its own mutual funds, above such thresholds as may be specified by the Board, executed by the Designated Persons of asset management company, trustees and their immediate relatives shall be reported by the concerned person to the Compliance Officer of asset management company within two business days from the date of transaction:Provided that with respect to systematic transactions through any mutual fund scheme,Designated Persons may report the same only at the time of making the first installment of the transaction along with the period of such transaction and on modifications thereof, if any

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