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As per Reg 5- Where Board,theChairman,the member or the Executive Director(hereinafter referred to as “appointing authority”) has reasonable ground to believe that— 9(a) the transactions in securities are being dealt within manner detrimental to the investors or the securities market in violation of these regulations;(b) anyintermediaryoranypersonassociatedwiththesecuritiesmarkethasviolatedany of the provisions of the Act or the rules or the regulations,itmay,at anytime by order in writing,direct any 32[person] (hereinafter referred to as the “Investigating Authority”)specified in the order to investigate the affairs of such intermediary or persons associated with the securities market or any other person and to report the re on to the Board in the manner provided in section 11C of the Act.
The ratio of the curved surface area and the total surface area of a cylinder is 5:7, respectively. Find the ratio of the height and radius of the cylin...
If the diameter of a sphere is 63 cm, then what is the total surface area of the sphere?
The perimeter of 4 squares is 24 cm, 36cm, 40 cm, and 44 cm respectively. What will be the area of the square having perimeter equal to sum of edges of ...
A solid cone is placed inside a solid hemisphere, both having the same radius and height. If the volume of the cone is 150 cm³, find the total volume o...
A cuboid has dimensions 12 cm, 8 cm, and 6 cm. If all the dimensions are increased by 50%, what will be the percentage increase in the volume of the cub...
A closed wooden box of uniform thickness has length, breadth and height 20cms, 16cms and 12 cms respectively. If the thickness of the wooden block is 2 ...
A solid cube with side 'a' is made of a material weighing 400 kg. Another cube is hollow, made of the same material, with an outer side length '3a' and ...
In a department 30% of the employees are females. 40% of the male employees know English. The total number of employees who know English is 46%. Find th...
The radius of a right circular cylinder is 3 times its height. If the height of the cylinder is 3.5 cm, then what is the volume of the cylinder. (in cub...
The radius of a hemisphere is 10 cm. What is the total surface area of the hemisphere (including the base)?