
    According to the Central Vigilance Commission Act under

    what circumstances can the Central Vigilance Commissioner or any Vigilance Commissioner be removed from office, and what is the process for their removal?
    A Removal by a unanimous decision of the Central Vigilance Commission; Supreme Court inquiry not required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Self-removal by submitting resignation to the President Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Removal through a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Removal by order of the President based on Supreme Court inquiry into proved misbehavior or incapacity Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 6. Removal of Central Vigilance Commissioner and Vigilance Commissioner: (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), the Central Vigilance Commissioner or any Vigilance Commissioner shall be removed from his office only by order of the President on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after the Supreme Court, on a reference made to it by the President, has, on inquiry, reported that the Central Vigilance Commissioner or any Vigilance Commissioner, as the case may be, ought on such ground be removed.

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