
    The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act lays down

    that the members of the said police establishment shall have throughout any Union territory, in relation to the investigation of such offences and arrest of persons concerned in such offences, all the powers, duties, privileges and liabilities ______________________
    A Which members of the police establishment have in connection with the investigation of offences committed therein Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Which police officers of that Union territory have in connection with the investigation of offences committed therein Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C But members of the police establishment have limited powers than local police officers in Union territories Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D As may be specified by the Central Government in this behalf Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 2, Constitution and powers of special police establishment: The said police establishment shall have throughout any Union territory, in relation to the investigation of such offences and arrest of persons concerned in such offences, all the powers, duties, privileges and liabilities which police officers of that Union territory have in connection with the investigation of offences committed therein.

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