In India, a motion of no confidence can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Parliament of India). The motion is admitted for discussion when a minimum of 50 members of the house support the motion (under rule 198 of Lok Sabha Rules 16th edition). If the motion carries, the House debates and votes on the motion. If a majority of the members of the house vote in favour of the motion, the motion is passed and the Government is bound to vacate the office.
Which state is the largest producer of Uranium in India?
Vitamin B-12 contains?
In a particular region in India, the local people train the roots of living trees into robust bridges across the streams. As the time passes, these brid...
Which Indian state has the largest forest cover?
Arrange the following Islands of Andaman and Nicobar from North to South:
1. Little Andaman
2. Car Nicobar
3. South Andaman
What is the highest peak in the Eastern Ghats?
The primary cause of winter rainfall in Delhi is:
Consider the following pairs:
Which of the pair(s) gi...
A state in India has the following characteristics:
1. Its northern part is arid and semi-arid.
2. Its central part produces cotton.
<...Which river in India flows through a rift valley?