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Section 27. Investment of assets: (2) In the case of an insurer carrying on general insurance business, twenty per cent. of the assets in Government Securities, a further sum equal to not less than ten per cent. of the assets in Government Securities or other approved securities and the balance in any other investment in accordance with the regulations of the Authority and subject to such limitations, conditions and restrictions as may be specified by the Authority in this regard. Explanation--In this section, the term assets means all the assets of insurer at their carrying value but does not include any assets specifically held against any fund or portion thereof in respect of which the Authority is satisfied that such fund or portion thereof, as the case may be, is regulated by the law of any country outside India or miscellaneous expenditure or in respect of which the Authority is satisfied that it would not be in the interest of the insurer to apply the provisions of this section
Which of the following is not the mandate crop of ICRISAT
NRLM has a provision for interest subvention, to cover the difference between the Lending Rate of the banks and 7%, on all credit from the banks/financi...
Vertical section of soil is called as
Which herbicide is suggested for controlling weeds in clusterbean?
What does a more elastic curve signify in terms of price and quantity consumed?
In which one of the following years was NABARD established in India as an Apex Financial Institution for Rural and Agricultural Development?
Identify the insecticide that is not natural.
Which of the following has been used for inducing male sterility in Bajra ?
Mandarin Variety, Ponkan Mandarin is also known as ___
ICRISAT deals with..........?