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Indian Evidence Act S. 101. Burden of proof.— Whoever desires any Court to give judgment as to any legal right or liability dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist. When a person is bound to prove the existence of any fact, it is said that the burden of proof lies on that person.
In an election, a voter can vote for any number of candidates not exceeding the number to be elected. There are 7 candidates and 4 members to be elected...
Nine boys have to stand in a circle. In how many ways they are to be stand on the circumference of circle?
How many straight lines can be formed from 9 points out of which 4 are colinear?
From 6 officers and 8 Jawans, in how many ways can 5 be chosen to include exactly 3 officers?
A team of 4 men and 2 women is to be selected out of 8 men and 4 women. If only one man and one woman remain in the team, then what will be the total nu...
In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'REMAINING' be arranged?
Five articles out of which 3 are cups and rest are glasses have to be arranged on a shelf. Find the number of ways of arrangement in which all three cup...
In how many ways a Cricketer can make a Double century with fours and Sixes only?
How many different ways can the letters of the word ‘DEMONETIZATION’ be arranged?
In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘MEDICAL’ be rearranged so that the vowels never come together?