Motor Vehicles Act. S.2. Definitions. (17) "heavy passenger motor vehicle" means any public service vehicle or private service vehicle or educational institution bus or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of any of which, or a motor car the unladen weight of which, exceeds 12,000 kilograms;
Statement: E> T ≥ H = N> I ≤ C
i) E> i
ii) T Select the correct option from the following.
Which of the following letter-number cluster will replace the blank (__) in the given series?
ME18, OG22, QI26, SK30, UM34, ___________
If a mirror is placed on the line XY, then which of the answer figures is the mirror image of the given figure?
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number.
20 : 421 : : 18 : ?
How many meaningful four-letter English words can be formed using the second, third, fifth and seventh letters of the word TOURIST (when counted from le...
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
<...E M 3 P 5 7 R T V Z 9 D I F Q X 4 6 H I 2 8 W
Which of the following is exactly in the middle between the 7th letter/number from the left end and...
In a certain code language, ‘HAPPY’ is written as ‘JDPSA’ and ‘DANCE’ is written as ‘FDNFG’. How will ‘CLASS’ be written in that lan...
Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series.
7, 9, 13, 21, __________
Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.