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Section 50 - Opinion or relationship, when relevant: When the Court has to form an opinion as to the relationship of one person to another, the opinion, expressed by conduct, as to the existence of such relationship, or any person who, as a member of the family or otherwise, has special means of knowledge on the subject, is relevant fact: Illustrations (a) The question is, whether A and B, were married. The fact that they were usually received and treated by their friends as husband and wife, is relevant.
A 160 m long train crosses another 280 m long train running in the opposite direction in 11 seconds. If the shorter train crosses a pole in 8 seconds, w...
A train can cross a pole in 24 seconds. While if the train increased its speed by 50% then time taken by it to cross 234 metres long platform is 42 seco...
A goods train leaves a station at a certain time and at a fixed speed. After 10 hours, an express train leaves the same station and moves in the same di...
A train can cross a pole, a bridge of 600 meter long and platform of 400 meter long in 13 seconds, _____ seconds and 29 seconds, respectively.
A train 325 metre long takes 45 sec to cross a man running at a speed of 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that of train. What is the speed of the tr...
How many seconds will a train 60 m in length, travelling at the rate of 40 km an hour, take to pass another train 80 m long, proceeding in the same dire...
Car 'X' travels for 4 hours to reach from point A to B. Car 'Y' travels 210 km to reach from point B to C in 3 hours. Distance travelled by car 'X' to c...
A train 200 m long running at 36 km/hr takes 45 seconds to cross a bridge. The length of the bridge is
Two trains A and B, were proceeding in the same direction on parallel tracks at 20 km/hr and 74 km/hr respectively. A man noticed that it took exactly 1...
Train ‘A’ running with a speed of 126 km/hr crosses a vertical pole in 20 seconds. Find the approx. time taken by the train ‘A’ ...