Insolvency is the financial state of a being where the Individual or Company or family has lost the capability to pay off their debts to the creditors. Bankruptcy is termed as a legal declaration of insolvency. Bankruptcy is a legal process that happens when the individual declares he or she can no longer pay back his or her debts to creditors. Insolvency is just the state where the financial inability is reached whereas bankruptcy is the realization and announcement of that the state of being insolvent. Liquidation in finance and economics is the process of bringing a business to an end and distributing its assets to claimants. It is an event that usually occurs when a company is insolvent, meaning it cannot pay its obligations when they are due.
Buying a book at to give as a birthday present is an example of a(n) _____ transaction.
The United States is facing an ongoing trade dispute with China over the flooding of cheap electronics into the country. This dispute is likely to be re...
After buying your new smartphone, you proceed through several stages that may include the feeling of post-purchase anxiety. This end-to-end process is r...
Which of the following statements describes a key difference between advertising and publicity?
For which of the following products is perceived risk likely to exemplify psychosocial risk for a female who has just taken her first job after college ...
Retailers can reduce problems associated with selective retention by:
Hyperglobal Mart has been opening an increasing number of stores in areas where the ‘millennials' generation makes up a large proportion of the popula...
when designing the product element of the marketing mix for services, marketing managers should give special attention to:
The type of need which a person is shy to admit is known as ___________.
When taxes rise at a faster rate than does disposable income, what must consumers do?