Cheating is the act of deceiving a person so as to make wrongful gains or cause the other person wrongful loss. Mischief is the act of destroying property so as to cause wrongful loss to any other person or the public in general. In Cheating, the objective of the offender is to enjoy the property and make wrongful gains by causing wrongful loss to a person. In Mischief, the objective of the offender is to cause wrongful loss or damage to the person(s) to whom the property belongs. The components of the crime of criminal trespass are as follows: enter into or upon property in the possession of another, intent to commit an offence, intimidate, injure, or annoy any person in possession, and so on.
इसके लिए योगदान उनके वेतन के एक निश्चित अनुपात के रूप ...
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Adjournment के लिए सही हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है
“ विवाचक ” का सही अंग्रेजी पर्याय चुनिये।
The following English sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in Hindi language. Identify the sentence ...
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The automotive industry in India is tapping resources in the field of solar energy.