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Any of the above can apply and prevail in a situation if there is no express provision under the Indian Contract Act, to the extent that these are not inconsistent with the provisions of Contract Act.
As per S. 79 of the Indian Penal Code which of the following is not true?
Where any drawback payable to a claimant is not paid ____________ from the date of filing a claim for payment of such drawback, there shall be paid to t...
Who appoints the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners, and what is the composition of the recommendation committee?
Is there any provision for accident as a defence under the IPC, if yes under which section ?
Is there any provision as to communication provided under the General Defences Indian Penal Code?
Section 74 and 75 of the Evidence Act have been combined into one section under which of the following sections in the BharatiyaSakshayaAdhiniyam?
Which of the following Sections of Indian Penal code provided for defences based on this maxim- “ De minimis non curat lex”?
The concept of free legal aid takes its root from which article of the Constitution of India?
Which of the following constitute a valid right to private defence?
When the right to private defence of property extends to causing of death?