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Mortgage by conditional sale, Explanation: (c) Mortgage by conditional sale—Where the mortgagor ostensibly sells the mortgaged property— on condition that on default of payment of the mortgage-money on a certain date the sale shall become absolute, or on condition that on such payment being made the sale shall become void, or on condition that on such payment being made the buyer shall transfer the property to the seller, the transaction is called a mortgage by conditional sale and the mortgagee a mortgagee by conditional sale: Provided that no such transaction shall be deemed to be a mortgage, unless the condition is embodied in the document which effects or purports to effect the sale.
The function of quick lime in soda lime mixture is to
The noble gas used in radiotherapy is
The Egg shell is made up of which of the following?
What is the chemical name of Plaster of Paris?
Which of the following metal have the highest Melting point?
How many carbon atoms are present in a molecule of glucose?
Manganite is an ore/mineral of -
What is the chemical name of Baking Soda ?
Which acid is responsible for the stinging sensation caused by the nettle plant?
Which of the following is NOT a d-block element?