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Section 3 Act to apply to co-operative societies in certain cases.
Cell division in which one cell with two set of chromosomes give rise to four cells. The terminology is referred to as
Which enzyme catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and CO₂ into oxaloacetate in the C₄ pathway?
Highest water use efficiency is of
Which plant has stomata only on the upper surface of its leaves?
What structure controls the opening and closing of stomata?
Agricultural census is conducted by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare in every ___ year with participation of states and UTs since 1970 as ...
Cell cycle is divided into three phases i.e. Interphase; Mitosis and Cytokinesis. Which is the longest stage of cell cycle?
The cellular organelle which control functions of cell by having almost all the genetic information of cell is coined by
The flower of rice has following number of stamens?
Cell is the basic building block of life . Cell theory was put forward by?