Kedarnath v. State of Bihar: The Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutional validity of the provisions of the Indian Penal Code that penalized sedition. Kedar Nath Singh had been convicted for sedition and inciting public mischief because of a speech in which he criticized the government and advocated for the Forward Communist Party. Amit Kapoor v. Ramesh Chandra:Charge against the accused under Section 306 read with Section 107 and Section 448 IPC are found to be in order. Pradeep Kumar v. State of Uttar Pradesh:It is proved to the satisfaction of this Court that on the date of occurrence, the appellants had not completed 16 years of age and as such they should have been dealt with under the U.P Children Act instead of being sentenced to imprisonment on conviction under Section 302/34 of the Act. Preeti Jain v. State of Jharkhand: The Supreme Court of India quashed the complaint against the appellants and set aside the impugned High Court order. It was ruled that the complainant failed to visualize the implications and such a complaint has led to insurmountable harassment, agony, and pain to the complainant, the accused, and his close relations.
Which of the following State has Celebrated the 3rd edition of the annual orange festival 2023?
______ Test is used for checking integrity of Aseptic packaging material?
A system in which forest trees are grown along with agricultural crops and grasses on the same land at the same time is known as ____
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms first appear on
Which of the following is best suited as catch crop?
Crops cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when main crop has failed are called ___
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
The optimum temperature for the germination of wheat seed is ____.
The Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR-CIWA), functioning under Indian Council of Agricultural Research is mandated to undertake research ...
At Stage II of production, the elasticity of production is