Section 235 - A person untruly representing himself to be the authorized agent of another, and thereby including a third person to deal with him as such agent, is liable, if his alleged employer does not ratify his acts, to make compensation to the other in respect of any loss or damage which he has incurred by so dealing.
Changing an existing document is called _____ the document.
It is device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting or an object and converts it to a digital image called
Who invented email?
Offline device is:
In a database transaction, the "rollback" operation is used to:
One Terabyte (TB) of memory is equal to:
What is the primary purpose of a microphone?
When a computer is booting, BIOS is loaded to the memory by
Which memory type is non-volatile and commonly used for firmware storage?
Which one of the following is used to combine two or more cell and formatting one big cell?