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Under section 251 Code of Criminal Procedure, when the accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate, particulars of the offence with which he is accused or the accusation leveled against the accused shall be stated to him and he shall be asked whether he pleads guilty or has any defence to make. Either in summary trial cases or in summons procedure cases, it is not at all necessary to frame a charge against the accused person. If the accused pleads not guilty and claims to be tried after his examination under section 251 Cr.PC in a summary trial case, court has to conduct trial by following the procedure for summary trials and pronounce judgment under section 264 Cr.PC.
The lower a manager is in the organisational hierarchy, the more important his/her _______ skills are
In light of Inventory Management, what does "VED" stand for?
Calculate debt to total assets ratio of the company?
What should be the correct Journal Entry for booking premium income in case of Incoming coinsurance:
Idle time can be normal or abnormal. Which of the following will be regarded as abnormal idle time?
The cost incurred for an additional product is known as ________
Which of the following is not regarded as Time adjusted or Discounted Cash flows technique of capital budgeting?
In order to convert a proposal into a promise the acceptance must be:
Which of the following is not a Subsidiary Book in Accounting?