
    Who has the power to grant immunity under SEBI Act, 1992?

    A SAT Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Central Government Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C SEBI on advice of Central Government Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Central Government on recommendation of SEBI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 24B(1) of SEBI Act: (1) The Central Government may, on recommendation by the Board, if the Central Government is satisfied, that any person, who is alleged to have violated any of the provisions of this Act or the rules or the regulations made thereunder, has made a full and true disclosure in respect of the alleged violation, grant to such person, subject to such conditions as it may think fit to impose, immunity from prosecution for any offence under this Act, or the rules or the regulations made thereunder or also from the imposition of any penalty under this Act with respect to the alleged violation: Provided that no such immunity shall be granted by the Central Government in cases where the proceedings for the prosecution for any such offence have been instituted before the date of receipt of application for grant of such immunity: Provided further that recommendation of the Board under this sub-section shall not be binding upon the Central Government.

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