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As per section 451 of the Companies Act, 2013 - Same offence is committed for the second or subsequent occasions within a period of three years, then, that company and every officer thereof who is in default shall be punishable with twice the amount of fine for such offence in addition to any imprisonment provided for that offence.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Mount Merapi is a volcano on the popular tourist Island .it ……in june 2020.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
As soon as Hitler came to power he started ______ the Jews.
Spinning and weaving exploded _______ to big garment factories, dyeing ______ the rivers and water table with chemicals.
You______ accepted his offer.
What the philosophers in question owe us is a ______________ explanation of how there can be a class of entities which do not behave like particulars.
Her biography ________ that she was not as rich as everyone thought.
The small village of Palampet is ________ with the conversation of UNESCO World Heritage Tag.