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As per the Act, LLP can be incorporated with a minimum of at least two persons who can be either individuals or body corporate, through its nominee. Then, out of the total number of partners at least two shall be designated partners. Finally, among those two designated partners at least one must be Indian resident.
The Reserve Bank of India’s stress test results reveal that scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) are well-capitalised and capable of absorbing macroecono...
Which of the following are the difference(s) between swaps and futures contracts?
1. Swaps are typically short term, whereas futur...
In organisational behaviour, what perspective supports the belief that employee behavior is in large part based on own personal feelings, interaction...
The new monetary Policy tool introduced by RBI this year in place of Reverse Repo was recommended earlier by which committee?
Which of the following most likely increases the wealth of shareholders?
What is an ethical concern related to corporate governance?
Which of the following transactions /items will influence the trial balance agreement?
What is the theme of the third Global Hackathon organized by the Reserve Bank of India?
Where will the Bill receivable discounted but not due till date of final accounts, be shown under?
Which of the following section deals with deduction in respect of Interest on deposits in savings/FD account in case of resident senior citizens?