The Central Government may appoint a Controller of Certifying Authorities after notifying the Official Gazette. They may also appoint Deputy Controllers and Assistant Controllers as it deems fit. (as per s.17 of IT Act 2000). The Controller discharges his responsibilities subject to the general control and also directions of the Central Government. Section 18 of the IT Act 2000 provides for functions of the Controller of Certifying Authority.
Which is a preservation method in which food sealed in container is subjected to elevated temperature for definite period of time
Flame photometer is used in the determination of:
Which of the following weeds is a holo root-parasite?
Which of the following group of elements are involved in enzyme activation and electron transport?
The toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum is a/an:
The water that held tightly on the surface of soil colloidal particle is known as …………….. It is essentially non-liqui...
Which country is leading in sugarcane production?
Efficiency with which irrigation water is conveyed from the source to field is indicated by
Which technique is utilized to eliminate viruses from infected germplasm by utilizing the rapidly growing meristems of plants?
Iron in milk is