Section 53A. Part performance—Where any person contracts to transfer for consideration any immoveable property by writing signed by him or on his behalf from which the terms necessary to constitute the transfer can be ascertained with reasonable certainty, and the transferee has. in part performance of the contract, taken possession of the property or any part thereof, or the transferee, being already in possession, continues in possession in part performance of the contract and has done some act in furtherance of the contract, and the transferee has performed or is willing to perform his part of his part of the contract, then, notwithstanding that , or, where there is an instrument of transfer, that the transfer has not been completed in the manner prescribed there for by the law for the time being in force, the transferor or any person claiming under him shall be debarred from enforcing against the transferee and persons claiming under him any right in respect of the property of which the transferee has taken or continued in possession, other than a right expressly provided by the terms of the contract: Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the rights of a transferee for consideration who has no notice of the contract or of the part performance thereof.
Pteridophyta are also called:
The deposition of pollen on the stigma of another flower of the same plant is known as :
Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched?
Veneer grafting, also known as bud grafting or chip budding, is a horticultural technique used to propagate plants by joining a bud or bud shield from o...
The two semi dwarf and high yielding rice varieties developed in India after 1966 were __________
What is used in the preparation of vermicompost?
Flame photometer is used in the determination of
Nitrogen content in anhydrous ammonia
Animals that possess notochord during the embryonic period which later replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column are called vertebrate animal...
Which soil has highest water use efficiency?