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IBC Section 42 A creditor may appeal to the Adjudicating Authority against the decision of the liquidator accepting or rejecting the claims within fourteen days of the receipt of such decision.
The relationship between two organisms, where both of them benefit from each other is called:
The first areca nut to get the Geographic Indications (GI) tag is the Sirsi Supari.
In which State is this supari grown?
The Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme aims to augment income of farmers by converting biodegradable waste into compressed ...
Intercropping is beneficial when land equivalent ration is:
Which of the following is not a bottom up technique for the synthesis of nanoparticles?
Crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent is known as?
Syconium is a type of inflorescence observed in
If the gravimetric moisture content of soil is 25% and the bulk density is 1.5 g/cc, the volumetric moisture content is:
Under limited water supply, if only three irrigations are available for the wheat crop, then which stages should be covered?
The copper deficiency in wheat under rice-wheat system in sandy soils can be corrected by