Section 9. Disposal of non-banking assets.—Notwithstanding anything contained in section 6, no banking company shall hold any immovable property howsoever acquired, except such as is required for its own use, for any period exceeding seven years from the acquisition thereof or from the commencement of this Act, whichever is later or any extension of such period as in this section provided, and such property shall be disposed of within such period or extended period, as the case may be: Provided that the banking company may, within the period of seven years as aforesaid, deal or trade in any such property for the purpose of facilitating the disposal thereof: Provided further that the Reserve Bank may in any particular case, extend the aforesaid period of seven years by such period not exceeding five years where it is satisfied that such extension would be in the interest of the depositors of the banking company.
M and S currently have ages in the ratio of 3:4. R's present age is 50% more than S's present age. The ratio of M's age one year from now to R's age thr...
The sum of the ages of A and B is (3x + 10) years. 5 years ago, the ratio of their ages was 4:5. Find the present age of A, if B is 4 years older than A.
The current ages of 'P' and 'Q' are in the ratio 9:13. The age difference between them after 5 years will be 12 years. Currently,...
Six years from now, the ratio of Krishna's age to his age two years ago is 3:2. Currently, Gaurav is 14 years older than Krishna....
Sum of the present ages of A, B, C and D is 70 years. After 5 years ratio of their ages is 5:4:4:2. What is C’s present age?
Three years ago, Ritu was twice as old as Rajni, and currently, the total of their ages is 36 years. What will Ritu's age be four years from now?
Average age of 4 daughter of a family is 8 years and average age of daughter together with their parents is 16 years. If mother is 4 years younger than...
‘A’ is 7 years younger than ‘B’ and 6 years elder than ‘C’. If the present age of ‘B’ and ‘D’ is 35 years and 24 years, respectively...
The ages of A, B and C together are 40 years. B is thrice as old as A and C is 5 years older than A. What is the difference between ages of B and C?
Present age of ‘A’ is 50% more than that of ‘B’. If 12 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 7 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of ...