The consent of the victim is immaterial in determination of the offence of trafficking.
(i) Non carbonated
_____ help in maintaining/controlling the acidic/alkaline changes during food processing and hence maintain flavour and stability.
1g glucose provides how much energy.
Which of the following is/ are storage polysaccharide?
a. Dextran
b. Fructan
c. Starch
d. c...
Mark the correct statement with regard to spices and essential oils:
a. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree
b. Cardamom is a d...
As per the guidelines of ICMR/NIN the percent of energy derived from cereals and nutricereals for an adult on a 2000 kcal diet is:
Sorbic acid is mostly used as preservatives in which of the following food product?
a. Meat
b. Milk
What are the ill effects in humans on prolonged exposure to mercury?
1. Neurological effects
2. Renal problems
3. T...
Black tea is a _________ type of tea exhibiting desirable______ oxidation
Which of the following is a thermal property in foods?
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