What authority does the State Government have regarding the jurisdiction of a Commercial Court under the Commercial Courts Act?
Section 3. Constitution of Commercial Courts: (2) The State Government shall, after consultation with the concerned High Court specify, by notification, the local limits of the area to which the jurisdiction of a Commercial Court shall extend and may, from time to time, increase, reduce or alter such limits.
In hospital D, 40% of the male doctors and 25% of the female doctors are above the age of 50. Find the total number of doctors above the age of 50 in h...
Find the ratio of initial quantity of vessel A and the left quantity of water in vessel C after removing 40%.
Find the average number female staffs at hotels X and Z.
If 25% of the female employees leave the job from company C and 15% of the male employees joins company A, then find the difference between the number ...
Find the average number of boys in school A and C.
Find the difference between the quantity of milk in vessel A and the initial quantity of water in vessel C.
The number of males working in the IT department forms what per cent of the total number of males in the organization?
What is average number of female doctors of hospital A, B and C together?
What is ratio between total numbers of employees who are unmarried to total number of female employees who are married?
The number of boys who attended seminar on topic C is what percent of total number of students who attended seminar on topic D?