Section 15. Court in which suits to be instituted—Every suit shall be instituted in the Court of the lowest grade competent to try it.
What constitutes an unclaimed deposit according to the revised RBI guidelines?
In April 2024, which police station of Haryana got the award for best Police station?
The first female Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is?
What illegal trading practice involves fund managers placing orders ahead of large trades to profit from expected price changes?
George Cohen passed away recently, he was a footballer from which country?
Recently Gopi Chand Narang passed away at the age of 91 years, he was a famous?
For the first time, which Indian woman has joined the Army Aviation Corps as a combat aviator after completing her training?
Obra Thermal Power Plant of Uttar Pradesh was established with the help of which of the following country?
Which renowned Indian author wrote the novel "The God of Small Things," which won the Man Booker Prize in 1997?
Who is the new Chief Technologist of NASA?