10. Specific performance in respect of contracts.—The specific performance of a contract shall be enforced by the court subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (2) of section 11, section 14 and section 16.
Nobel prize are distributed annually at:
Which scheme supported the development of the "Rangeen Machhli" app?
Which one of the following elements is not essential for plant growth?
Sucker control in tobacco is done by _________ plant growth regulator
Which of the following components of a Farm Pond Is useful for letting out the excess water from the pond?
Vertebrates have a ventral muscular heart with………………..chambers
Recovery of sugar in sugarcane crop in India is:
The excess of which of the following gases causes acid rain in the environment?
A process where food is first frozen at -18° C on trays and then under high vacuum is called as:
Among below given statements, only one statement is correct. Select the correct statement.