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Law of Torts: Essentials of Negligence: - In an action for negligence, the plaintiff has to prove the following essentials: Duty to take care, Duty must be towards the Plaintiff, Breach of duty to take care, That the breach of such duty was the direct and proximate cause of the damage alleged.
4650.12 ÷ √8648.88 + √27.08 * √1727.85 = ? – 609.10 ÷ 87.07
...(124.901) × (11.93) + 219.95 = ? + 114.891 × 13.90
15.35 x (58.25 + 63.98) = ? + 1029.78
Direction: Solve the following expression and calculate the approximate value.
(5.78 + 3.12)² + 8.2² + 2 × 8.1 × (5.9 + 3.2)
...390.11 ÷ 12.98 × 5.14 – 119.9 = √?
Find the approximate value of Question mark(?). There is no requirement to find the exact value.
? = 499.87 – 24.95 × 14.04 + (20.15)²
(115.25 + 324.78) ÷ 4.99 = ?2 – 56.44
28.11 × 3.98 + 29.03 × 3.12 – 34.95 + 95.9 × 4.02 =?
(95.89% of 625.15 + 36.36% of 499.89) ÷ 6.02 = ? – 269.72