
    What does the principle of Caveat Emptor imply in the context of a contract of sale according to Section 16 of the Sale of Goods Act?

    A The seller must ensure the goods are free from any defects before the sale Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The seller is required to guarantee the quality and fitness of the goods for a specific purpose Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C The buyer has the right to return goods if they find any defects after the sale Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D The seller must provide a warranty for all goods sold Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E The seller is under no obligation to disclose defects or unflattering truths about the goods; the buyer must thoroughly examine the goods before purchase Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Sales of Goods Act: Section 16 Implied condition as to quality or fitness- Caveat Emptor means “Let the buyer beware”- In a contract of sale of goods the seller is under no duty to reveal unflattering truths about the goods sold. Therefore, when a person buys some goods, he must examine them thoroughly.

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