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Specific Relief Act: Section 14 Contracts not specifically enforceable—The following contracts cannot be specifically enforced, namely:— (a) where a party to the contract has obtained substituted performance of contract in accordance with the provisions of section 20; (b) a contract, the performance of which involves the performance of a continuous duty which the court cannot supervise; (c) a contract which is so dependent on the personal qualifications of the parties that the court cannot enforce specific performance of its material terms; and (d) a contract which is in its nature determinable.
Rs 720 is to be divided among P, Q and R so that P gets 3/5 of Q’s share and R gets 1/3 of P’s share. Share of R is:
The sum of the first 163 terms of a GP is equal to the sum of the first 161 terms in the same GP. If the 117th term in the same GP is 985, then what wil...
Find the average of first 20 whole numbers.
A man spends 1/7 of his income on food, 3/5 of his income house rent and 1/4 of his income on clothes. If he still has Rs. 200 left with him, his income...
How many numbers lie between 2000 and 3000 divisible by 5 can be made with the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 without repeating any digit?
How many Zeros can be formed by multiplying 10 times; 20 times; 30 times; 40 times; ...............times; 2000?
In a kilometre race, A beats B by 30 metres or 6 seconds. Find the time taken by A to finish the race?
If 6 is to 216 as 2 is to:
Two students appeared in an exam and one secured 30 marks more than the other. If marks of the student who got more marks is 65% of the sum of the marks...
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by 400%, the resultant fraction is 9/25 . What was the original fra...