
    What are the ways a court can enforce the execution of a decree based on the provisions of section 51 of CPC?

    A By ordering the decree-holder to pay damages directly Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B By delivering any property specifically decreed, attaching and selling property, arresting and detaining the debtor, appointing a receiver, or using other methods as required by the relief granted Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C By providing a monetary compensation to the decree-holder Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D By referring the case to a higher court for further review Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E By issuing a public notice of the decree Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 51 Powers of Court to enforce execution.—Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the Court may, on the application of the decree-holder, order execution of the decree— (a) by delivery of any property specifically decreed; (b) by attachment and sale or by the sale without attachment of any property; (c) by arrest and detention in prison 1 [for such period not exceeding the period specified in section 58, where arrest and detention is permissible under that section]; (d) by appointing a receiver; or (e) in such other manner as the nature of the relief granted may require.

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