
    What is the composition of the Supreme Court Legal

    Services Committee as per the Legal Services Authority Act?
    A A sitting Judge of the Supreme Court, who shall act as the Chairman, and a specified number of other members with the experience and qualifications prescribed by the Central Government, all to be nominated by the Chief Justice of India Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B A retired Judge of the Supreme Court who shall be the Chairman, along with members nominated by the Prime Minister of India Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A group of Supreme Court lawyers and retired judges, appointed directly by the President of India Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A sitting Judge of the Supreme Court, who shall be the Chairman, and members appointed by the Central Government without any input from the Chief Justice of India Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Only members of the Supreme Court Bar Association with at least 20 years of legal experience Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 3A. Supreme Court Legal Services Committee: (2) The Committee shall consist of— (a) a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court who shall be the Chairman; and (b) such number of other members possessing such experience and qualifications as may be prescribed by the Central Government, to be nominated by the Chief Justice of India.

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