
    What are the eligibility criteria for a person to be

    elected as the President of India?
    A The person must be a citizen of India, have completed the age of thirty-five years, and be qualified for election as a member of the House of the People Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The person must be a citizen of India, have completed the age of forty years, and be qualified for election as a member of the Rajya Sabha Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C The person must be a citizen of India, have completed the age of thirty-five years, and have previously held a government position Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D The person must be a citizen of India, have completed the age of fifty years, and be a graduate of a recognized university Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E The person must be a citizen of India, have completed the age of thirty years, and have served as a judge in a high court Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Constitution Article 58 Qualifications for election as President: (1) No person shall be eligible for election as President unless he— (a) is a citizen of India, (b) has completed the age of thirty-five years, and (c) is qualified for election as a member of the House of the People.

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