
    What are the rules for determining the number of arbitrators in an arbitral tribunal?

    A The parties must choose an even number of arbitrators to avoid deadlock Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The arbitral tribunal must always consist of three arbitrators, regardless of the parties' agreement Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C The number of arbitrators is determined solely by the court Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D The parties can choose any number of arbitrators, and if they fail to agree, the tribunal is dissolved Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E The parties are free to decide the number of arbitrators, but it must not be an even number; if they do not decide, there will be a sole arbitrator Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Arbitration and Conciliation Act Section 10. Number of arbitrators.—(1) The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators, provided that such number shall not be an even number. (2) Failing the determination referred to in sub-section (1), the arbitral tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator.

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