
    As per the Motor Vehicles Act where can a person apply

    for a driving licence if they are not currently disqualified?
    A To any licensing authority in any area, regardless of their residence or business location Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only to the licensing authority in the area where they were born Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C To the licensing authority in the area where they ordinarily reside or conduct business, or where the driving school they attended is located Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D To the nearest police station in their locality Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E To the central government office in their city Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 9. Grant of driving licence—(1) Any person who is not for the time being disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence may apply to the licensing authority having jurisdiction in the area— (i) in which he ordinarily resides or carries on business, or (ii) in which the school or establishment referred to in section 12 from where he is receiving or has received instruction in driving a motor vehicle is situated, for the issue to him of a driving licence.

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