Section: (z) "worker" means any person (except an apprentice as defined under clause (aa) of section 2 of the Apprentices Act, 1961) employed in any industry to do any manual, unskilled, skilled, technical, operational, clerical or supervisory work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be express or implied, and includes— (i) working journalists as defined in clause (f) of section 2 of the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955; and (ii) sales promotion employees as defined in clause (d) of section 2 of the Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976, and for the purposes of any proceeding under this Code in relation to an industrial dispute, includes any such person who has been dismissed, discharged or retrenched or otherwise terminated in connection with, or as a consequence of, that dispute, or whose dismissal, discharge or retrenchment has led to that dispute, but does not include any such person–– (a) who is subject to the Air Force Act, 1950, or the Army Act, 1950, or the Navy Act, 1957; or (b) who is employed in the police service or as an officer or other employee of a prison; or (c) who is employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity; or (d) who is employed in a supervisory capacity drawing wage of exceeding fifteen thousand rupees per month or an amount as may be notified by the Central Government from time to time.
What is the name of the microbial spray, consisting of blend of seven fungi, developed by ICAR-IARI, New Delhi for the in-
situ accelerated deg...
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Vascular bundle in plants in composed of
Name of the insect Order in which (in general), the larval stage is phytophagous and adults are nectar feeder/sap suckers:
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Urea contains:
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Scientific name of soybean is:
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