
    According to the Industrial Relations Code what is the

    maximum number of members allowed on the Grievance Redressal Committee, and what is the requirement regarding the representation of women workers?
    A The total number of members shall not exceed twelve, and there is no specific requirement for the representation of women workers Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The total number of members shall not exceed ten, with no specific requirement for the representation of women workers Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C The total number of members shall not exceed ten, with adequate representation of women workers that reflects their proportion among the total workers employed Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D The total number of members shall not exceed fifteen, and women workers need not be represented Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E The committee can have an unlimited number of members, with at least 50% being women workers Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 4 Grievance Redressal Committee (4) The total number of members of the Grievance Redressal Committee shall not exceed ten: Provided that there shall be adequate representation of women workers in the Grievance Redressal Committee and such representation shall not be less than the proportion of women workers to the total workers employed in the industrial establishment.

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