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Section 204. Revocation where authority has been partly exercised: The principal cannot revoke the authority given to his agent after the authority has been partly exercised, so far as regards such acts and obligations as arise from acts already done in the agency.
How is K related to J?
There are only six members in a family. J is the only daughter of T. T is husband of U. R is the only daughter in law of U. K is the only son of his par...
How P is related to Q?
Which, among the following option(s) , is/are definitely true?
Who is the grandmother of A?
How is R related to P?
Who among the following person is the granddaughter of H?
O is married to N. Z is the daughter of O, who is the mother-in-law of P. W is the son of P. N has only one child. How is N related to P?
Who is the grandmother of O?
Who is the maternal uncle of K?