
    Which of the following is considered a "public utility

    service" under Chapter VIA of the Legal Service Authorities Act?
    A A private tutoring service Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B A transport service for the carriage of passengers or goods by air, road, or water Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C A private security service Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D A software development company Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E A manufacturing service for consumer goods. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 22A. Definitions: (b) “public utility service” means any— (i) transport service for the carriage of passengers or goods by air, road or water; or (ii) postal, telegraph or telephone service; or (iii) supply of power, light or water to the public by any establishment; or (iv) system of public conservancy or sanitation; or (v) service in hospital or dispensary; or (vi)insurance service, and includes any service which the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, in the public interest, by notification, declare to be a public utility service for the purposes of this Chapter.

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