
    According to the Motor Vehicles Act which authority, as prescribed by the Central Government, may issue a driving licence valid throughout India for vehicles under the control of the Central Government for defense purposes?

    A The State Transport Authority Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B The Defence Ministry Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Such authority as prescribed by the Central Government Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D The Central Motor Vehicle Authority Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E The Regional Transport Office Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Section 18.   Driving Licences to drive motor vehicles, belonging to the Central Government: (1) Such authority as may be prescribed by the Central Government may issue driving licence valid throughout India to persons who have completed their eighteenth year to drive motor vehicles which are the property or for the time being under the exclusive control of the Central Government and are used for Government purposes relating to the defence of the country and unconnected with any commercial enterprise.

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