
    Under what condition is an order issued by a District Commission, State Commission, or National Commission considered final?

    A When an appeal has been preferred within a specific timeframe as per the provisions of this Act, the order is not considered final Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B When no further appeals are allowed or permissible under the provisions of this Act, making the order final and binding Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C When no appeal has been preferred against such order under the provisions of this Act, making the order final and conclusive Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D When the order is subject to review or modification by higher authorities, thus not final until such reviews are completed Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E When the order is provisional and subject to final approval by the central regulatory authority, making it not final until such approval is granted Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Consumer Protection Act: Section 68 Finality of orders: Every order of a District Commission or the State Commission or the National Commission, as the case may be, shall, if no appeal has been preferred against such order under the provisions of this Act, be final.

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