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Ans. d. All a b & c, Explanation: Section 77 Proof of other official documents: (c) proclamations, orders or Regulations issued by the President of India or the Governor of a State or the Administrator or Lieutenant Governor of a Union territory, by copies or extracts contained in the Official Gazette.
The boss had asked her to do the work on an urgent basis , but she put in the work and left.
Do you know that it is I who has done this piece of beautiful work?
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with...
Each sentence given below has been divided into four options A, B, C, D one of which is erroneous. Identify the erroneous part and mark that option as y...
Look at the shorter term, (A)/the interbank market rates (B)/suggest that the cycle will (C)/turn up again early next year (D).
(A) Certain of the molar teeth of the middle/ (B) of the series in both elephants and mastodons have the/ (C) same number of principal ridges; those in ...
It is not the aim to question the idea (A) / that citizens must show due respect whenever the (B) / anthem is played or the flag is displaying.(C) / No ...
(A) Everybody were celebrating the / (B) victory, everything was / (C) bubbling with life in the / (D) ruined but reviving city.
Directions: The following sentences are divided into parts. Identify if there is any error in any of the parts. If there is an error, choose the lette...
A heavy rainfall warning has been issued in parts of Gujarat in the next few days due to a depression in the Arabian Sea which are likely to turn into a...