
    Under Section 22 of the BharatiyaSakshyaAdhiniyam ,

    when is a confession made by an accused person considered irrelevant in a criminal proceeding?
    A If the confession was made in writing Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B If the confession was made voluntarily without any external influence Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C If the confession was induced by a threat, coercion, promise, or inducement from a person in authority, likely to make the accused believe it would lead to an advantage or avoidance of harm Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D If the confession was made in the presence of legal counsel Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E If the confession was made during a court hearing Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Explanation: S.22. Confession caused by inducement, threat, coercion or promise, when irrelevant in criminal proceeding.A confession made by an accused person is irrelevant in a criminal proceeding, ifthe making of the confession appears to the Court to have been caused by any inducement,threat, coercion or promise having reference to the charge against the accused person,proceeding from a person in authority and sufficient, in the opinion of the Court, to give theaccused person grounds which would appear to him reasonable for supposing that bymaking it he would gain any advantage or avoid any evil of a temporal nature in reference tothe proceedings against him

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