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This situation is similar to that in a famous case of Tort Law i.e Gloucester Grammar School Case. In this case, the defendant was a teacher in the plaintiff’s school. But due to some disputes, he had set up a rival school to that of the plaintiff’s with the result that the plaintiffs were required to reduce the tuition fees of their school as the students from the plaintiff’s school shifted to the defendant’s school as he was popular among students for his teaching. The plaintiff sued the defendant for the monetary loss caused. It was held that plaintiffs had no cause of action against the defendant on the ground that bonafide competitions cause no action, whatever damages it may cause. Compensation cannot be granted as there was no infringement of any legal right. So a situation where damage is caused without any legal injury is known as ‘damnum sine injuria’ which means ‘injury caused without any actual loss.’ So a person who suffers damage without any legal right being violated is not entitled to compensation.
What is the wrong statement about NBFCs?
What is the asset size for Non-Deposit taking NBFCs for categorization in Middle layer?
What is the minimum net owned fund requirement from NBFC to be eligible to issue credit cards?
Banks can provide Finance to certain NBFCs as per the restrictions provided by RBI, So according to those regulations Banks’ exposures to a single NB...
NBFCs – Middle Layer and NBFCs - Upper Layer with ………………….. and more ’Fixed point service delivery units shall be mandatorily require...
What is the minimum subscription per borrowers for IPOs under new Scale based regulations of NBFCs
In how many days categorization of NPAs is required for NBFCs under the new guidelines for them
What is the minimum net owned fun specified for NBFCs with no customer interface and no public deposits
How much tier 1 common equity needs to be maintained by NBFCs (Upper Layer)
Any existing NBFC-ICC (Investment Credit Company) , intending to undertake factoring business, shall make an application to the Reserve Bank for grant ...