
    As per S. 66 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 the notice to produce document in possession can be given to :

    A the party in whose possession the document is only Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B the party in whose possession the document is or his attorney Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C the party in whose possession the document is or his pleader Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D B and C. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    As per S. 66. Rules as to notice to produce .— Secondary evidence of the contents of the documents referred to in section 65, clause (a), shall not be given unless the party proposing to give such secondary evidence has previously given to the party in whose possession or power the document is, or to his attorney or pleader, such notice to produce it as is prescribed by law; and if no notice is prescribed by law, then such notice as the Court considers reasonable under the circumstances of the case:

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