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S.121. Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against the Government of India . —Whoever wages war against the Government of India, or attempts to wage such war, or abets the waging of such war, shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.
What is the certification process that ensures agriculture products meet organic standards?
Trichogramma spp acts as:
Which of the following is not the steps of teaching process?
Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects which part of the plant?
Weed index indicates
Which category includes crops like coriander, cumin, and carrot based on taxonomy?
What is the optimal temperature range for the germination of most common cereal grains like wheat and barley?
The process by which a single cell divides into two daughter cells is called:
Site for protein synthesis is _______
What type of pest primarily damages store grains such as rice and wheat?